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  1. Environment – ecology, ecological management, environmental protection and monitoring

  2. Security, protection, safety – antiterrorism, disasters and accidents

  3. Aeronautics and aeronautical security

  4. Automobiles and road security

  5. Terrestrial, fluvial, maritime and aeronautical transport

  6. Industrial equipment and units

  7. Chemistry and chemical industry

  8. Mechanics and machine industry

  9. Metallurgy and material science

  10. Electricity and electronics

  11. Energy and unconventional energy sources

  12. Telecommunication

  13. Office equipments – design

  14. Graphics – typographic techniques – advertisement

  15. Games, sports, culture, didactic methods

  16. Constructions and arrangements – sanitary and thermal installations

  17. Medicine – pharmacy – cosmetics

  18. Biology – agronomy – horticulture – zoo-technologies

  19. Food products and technologies – food bio-security

  20. Textile products and technologies, confections and design

  21. Presents, souvenirs, jewels

  22. Automation, measuring and control equipment

  23. Audio-video, photo-music techniques

  24. Informatics and hardware

  25. Equipment and technologies of transport, manipulation, washing, packaging and storage